It is an honor and a privilege to serve as the Superintendent of the Charlton County School District. Our schools have amazing teachers and staff who care about our students and are working every day to improve the education we provide our students. While every student has different strengths and abilities, we stress to students that effort and perseverance are essential to their growth and their success, so giving your best effort on all you do is our expectation for students.
Despite being a small, rural district, we have a number of programs and opportunities we provide for our students. Career and technical education opportunities, athletic programs, and award winning band and drama clubs are some of the many opportunities our students have in and out of the classroom.
We are working hard, especially in the elementary grades, to improve reading and literacy achievement for every student and build a strong foundation for academic success. Regardless of a student's interests or goals, reading will be critical to their success, and our teacher training efforts are focused on ensuring every child is a proficient reader.
Research supports that the number one factor influencing academic success is the level of involvement and support children receive from their parents. We encourage you to take time each day to check on your child's progress, encourage them, and reinforce to them how important their effort and positive attitude will be in determining their achievement.
On behalf of our dedicated Board of Education members, teachers, support staff, and administrators, we thank you for your support of our public school system. I hope you will continue to visit our websites to stay updated about all that is happening in the Charlton County School System, and I invite you to partner with us as we work to make Charlton County the best school district it can be.
Dr. Brent Tilley, Superintendent