Are you ready to join one of the best school districts in Georgia? For several years, Charlton County has had 3rd grade Reading achievement in the top 10 of all districts in Georgia, building a strong foundation for student learning through 12th grade and beyond. Additionally, the district has had achievement in the top 10% of all school districts in multiple subjects in elementary, middle, and high school, and our graduation rate is ranked in the top 5 of all districts in Georgia. Charlton County is a great place to work, with amazing students and a wonderful community.
Located on the edge of the internationally renowned natural treasure, the Okefenokee Swamp, the Charlton County School System is made up of faculty and staff who realize that the county’s most important treasure is its children. It is our job to work with students, parents, and the community to ensure their success.
To that end, the district serves 1,700 students in four schools – St. George Elementary, Folkston Elementary, Bethune Middle School, and Charlton County High – as well as one alternative school program. The 250full-time employees work together to provide the best possible experiences that we can for our students. The system is accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC) and complies with the rules, regulations, and standards set by the Georgia Department of Education. Charlton County High School is a COGNIA accredited school.
The Charlton County School District makes all employee decisions without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, or disability.