CCHS FCCLA Region STAR Event Winners: Laura Daly & Cierra Mayer
PBIS NEWS: Please forgive our tardiness! Click the link to see pictures and read about our January students of the month! You will also find a picture and information about our January teacher of the month!!
CCHS Maidens Basketball Team News: The girls advanced in the region tournament with a 4 point win over Lanier. They play Clinch February 13, Saturday night at 7:00. Congratulations to the coaches and players.
Please click the link below to see a list of our Reading Inventory Superstars at CCHS. We are so proud of these students and their commitment to building their vocabulary and becoming more fluent readers.
CCHS One Act Play News: Our one-act finished second in the region. Congratulations to the entire crew and Mrs. Fouraker. Special congratulations to Haley Taylor who was named best supporting role in the region, and to Chelsea Thompson and Katelyn Murray who were both named region best actresses.
CCHS Senior Class of 2021
Teacher Job Fair- Saturday, March 20, 2021 at the Okefenokee RESA in Waycross, GA
Attention all upcoming juniors at Charlton County High School: Effective July 1, 2021, students entering the 11th grade must have received one booster dose of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV4) before entering the 11th grade for the 2021-2022 school year. Charlton County High School will need an updated immunization certificate on file after the vaccine is received in order to continue with school during the 2021-2022 school year. Please call Mrs. Knowles or Mr. McCoy at 912-496-2501 with any questions. A link to the letter from the DPH is attached below.
CCHS Basketball News: Senior Night is Friday, Jan 29th at the CCHS Gym. This is our last home game during the regular season. Please come out and support the teams. The girls play at 6:00 and the boys game will begin around 7:30. Thanks to our CCHS Student Council for the wonderful sign.
Also, there are no basketball games Saturday night.
Welcome back Coach Schwing! Coach Schwing just got back from Washington DC. He was activated by the Georgia National Guard for two weeks. His students are glad he is back. Mr. Dane Phelps had this idea, and several students made the sign to welcome him back. Thanks Coach for all you do for CCHS and our country.
Attention CCHS Seniors and Guardians: Please click the link below to register for the What's Next webinar. This is "The Ultimate Guide to Career Options and Choices for Parents and High School Students" and it will be held on February, 16th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
Attention CCHS Students: We will start advisement and course planning for the 2021-2022 school year on 1/28/21. Please click on the link below to access the CCHS course catalog to prepare to make your selections. Your homeroom teacher will complete the advisement form with you during the scheduled time, but it is up to you and your guardian(s) to know what you would like to register for. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Brooks. Course Catalog Link:
The 2021 Senior Panoramic Photo will be taken on Thursday, January 21st at 10:00 a.m. in the CCHS gym.
PBIS NEWS: Please click the link to see pictures and read about our December students of the month! You will also find a picture and information about our December teacher of the month!
Attention Seniors: Please click the following link to learn about an apprenticeship opportunity through the TRIDENT Refit Facility -
Basketball News - Please click the following link for news regarding ticket information for the Charlton VS Hilliard basketball game on January 5th:
All wrestling practices and games have been canceled until after Christmas.
CCHS Band News: The band concert scheduled for tonight has been postponed.
Updated basketball schedule due to COVID
The Ferst Readers Community Action Team (CAT) was available at Charlton County High School on Thursday, December 10th to encourage students to register their birth to age 5 siblings for Ferst Readers. Those youngsters will receive a free book with a newsletter that includes some activities delivered in the mail monthly until each child turns five years old. Charlton County's Ferst Readers CAT has registered more than 30% of the children who are birth to age 5 in the county. This wonderful gift of books, reading, and literacy is one that will keep on giving for a lifetime.
If you are interested in supporting Charlton County's Ferst Readers initiative, contact Mandy Jackson or Felicia Sauls or log into