Program Description
The S.G.E. (Students Geared for Excellence) Trailblazers Enrichment program is designed to provide curriculum opportunities that are at an appropriately challenging level. The students are provided with challenging opportunities that are appropriate to their abilities and interests through extension activities and alternative projects not typical within the regular education classroom. These activities foster self-esteem, problem solving and creative thinking skills.
In accordance with state guidelines, identification of potential Gifted and Talented students occurs at every grade level. Identified gifted students are served in a resource classroom for a one hour segment five days per week. During the resource segments students receive enhanced and extended activities such as storytelling, public speaking, Mock Trial, and participation in Saint George Elementary's TV productions. Flexible grouping in the regular education classroom and ability grouping in math and language arts further meet the needs of individual learners.
The gifted education teacher plans instruction that enriches the Georgia Performance Standards Curriculum and meets assessed needs of gifted students for more elaborate, complex and in-depth study of major ideas, problems and themes. Activities provide students the opportunity to extend learning in research and reference, communication and technology, and defining personal learning goals and monitoring progress toward achieving them. Materials and equipment are selected to meet sequential and developmental needs of gifted students. Annual gifted program review and evaluation helps maintain program effectiveness.Evaluation of Student Performance
Evaluation is based upon test grades, assignments, and classroom performance using various types of assessments. The Gifted classroom uses the same reporting system as other classes. This includes a progress report every 4 ½ weeks with a report card every nine weeks. A parent-teacher conference is held each year to discuss the student's progress. If student experiences difficulty in the gifted class(es), a conference is held to discuss continuation options, such as probation or dismissal.
Various authentic assessments used may include, but are not limited to:
Performance Tasks
Exhibitions and Demonstrations
Teacher-created Tests
Self- and Peer-evaluation