Students, please see our school Facebook page for information about accessing 3rd 9 weeks report cards.
ATTENTION CCHS STUDENTS: Please see the attached announcement about dropping off completed work and library books.
ATTENTION CCHS SENIORS: Please see the attached announcement about graduation cap/gown and announcement pickup.
Here is a message from Gracie Gooch at the Okefenokee Swamp Park: Due to the extension of COVID-19 and the uncertainty of the future, we are cancelling the YCC program this year. Stay Safe!
Seniors- Herff Jones will have a cap & gown and graduation delivery at CCHS on Wednesday, April 15th from 2 pm to 3 pm. This will be a drive-up delivery at the front of the school.
Seniors- Herff Jones will have a cap & gown and graduation announcement delivery at CCHS on Wednesday, April 15th from 2 pm to 3 pm. Please see the attached flyer for instructions. This will be a drive-up delivery at the front of the school.
Information on CCHS Prom and Graduation
Here is the statement from Dr. Robin Hines cancelling all GHSA activities for the remainder of this school year.
ATTENTION CCHS PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Please see the information attached about print material pickup for students without internet access (if you missed pickup at CCHS today).
Do not forget to respond to your 2020 Census. It allows our county to get much needed resources and funding.
The Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) has extended the deadline for applications to April 15th. Applications can be picked up at CCHS on Wednesday (4/1/2020) from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Applications must be returned to CCHS on April 15th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
ATTENTION CCHS STUDENTS AND PARENTS: Please read the attached letter from Mr. McCoy regarding the distribution of instructional resources for the month of April. This letter was also shared via gmail. Students, if you did not receive an email, please let Ms. Lee know.
Update: (Franques Remind 101 Class Code)
Code: franqu
ATTENTION DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS: Your college classes have transitioned to an online format. It is very important for you to check your college email and Blackboard accounts. There are assignments to be completed. If you do not take responsibility to log in and complete your work, zeros will be assigned by your instructor.
At this time the the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) is still taking applications. This is an 8-week summer program for young men and women ages 15-18. It will begin June 1 and end July 24, 2020. You can pick an application at CCHS any Wednesday from 10-10:30am.
ATTENTION DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS: Please see the following notice from Coastal Pines. Follow their Facebook page for updates.
Update (Johnson Remind 101 Class Codes)
Update (Haynes Remind 101 Class Codes)
Update (Fouraker Remind 101 Class Codes)
Update (Remind 101 Class Codes for Willis, Amburgy, and Everett)