January 2019 NEWS
Welcome back! We hope you had an awesome Christmas and New Year.
The first few days back we have retaught and reviewed standards that were missed on our recent ELA benchmark.
Remember to check your child's binder daily for any math homework not finished in class. Reading fluency and science or social studies newsletters are also found in this binder. Some teachers are using behavior forms which are also located in the binder and need to be reviewed and signed daily.
Each week the red folder will give you information about what is coming up for the week On the back of our 2nd grade newsletter is important information about ELA - vocabulary words and definitions and skills to review for the week. Please remember to read the grammar information in the Journeys books that are sent home on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Don't forget each week your child needs two new pencils. They may need new crayons at this time also.
We appreciate all you do!!
2nd grade teachers